Gary Swergold is a physician scientist, with training in Molecular Pharmacology, Molecular Genetics, Internal Medicine, Clinical Genetics. My parents are immigrants from Europe; my maternal grandparents brought their family to the US to escape the looming danger in 1939. My father’s family survived the war and holocaust by hiding in the Ardennes and came to US after the war. I was born and raised in Manhattan along with my older sister and brother. I have belonged to orthodox synagogues since birth. I live in Westchester with my wife and two rescued dogs. I admire each of my three children, my daughter-in-law and future son-in-law ; they all live in the NY area.
Ramaz High School
Cornell University School of Arts and Sciences, BA Biology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine MD, PhD
Post Doctoral Fellowship Clinical Genetics at National Institutes of Health
Medical Boards in Internal Medicine and Clinical Genetics
Faculty Columbia University